Saturday, January 15, 2011


Okay, so here in southern Maine we just got about 15" of snow so I've been busy dealing with that.  As great as snow is it just makes me long for Spring, watching perennials break through the muddy ground, seeing the trees budding out and the anticipation of wonderful smelling flowers. 

Last Spring my wife Ashley and I made a hosta garden behind our house and I can't wait to see what it looks like after its first winter.  Only about 60 days until then!

This is what the garden started as, throughout the summer last year it changed... A LOT because I saved a lot of plants from getting thrown out at work.

Look at those beautiful hosta poking up through the dirt!

As always, I welcome any questions or comments!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for spring either! Good luck with your new blog Paul! :)
